State Institutions and State Governance: the Logic of China’s Modernization
Zhao Yufeng Lin Shangli
[Abstract]Modern state building inevitably contains two dimensions of historical actions: one is the construction of country’s institutional system; the other is the construction of governance system. The former one is fundamental while the latter one is decisive. The modernization of governance system is certainly developed within an established structure of state institutions and keeps inherent organic unity with them. The real modernization will only come true if a state successfully accomplishes the construction of state governance system. The modernization of governance system in China, which is developed on the basis of socialist system with Chinese characteristics, supports the system itself on the one hand and creates comprehensive progress and development in China on the other hand. This progress is supposed to focus on the construction of fundamental institutions, since the result of it determines the result of the modernization of China’s governance system and capacity for governance
[Keywords]state institutions,state governance,state building
[Authors]Zhao Yufeng is Professor at Management College, Shenzhen University,Shenzhen 518060;Lin Shangli is Professor at School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University. Shanghai 200433