
发布时间:2015-4-2  发布人:本站  源自:本站




  乔治·H·弗雷德里克森 著 李文彬 裴祖军 译

  [摘要] 管理式创新的观点认为,公司或公共部门的创新可以通过自上而下的组织设计和规划而实现。但研究发现,公司领域的重大创新往往与其“超越赚钱”的核心价值目标和鼓励尝试并宽容失败的宽松工作环境相关;公共部门的创新则是良好的民主管理的结果。管理式创新和可持续创新是两种不同的创新模式。管理式创新是自上而下的,强调传统的战略规划、模仿、目标清晰、控制和领导。可持续创新强调尝试和实验,践行高度分权、高度民主和注重沟通的领导力。管理式创新运用战略规划、排名、奖励和成绩单等方式促进创新,但效果适得其反,压抑了真正的创新。最后,这些方式催生了组织“同构”的“铁笼”,使创新陷于停滞。因此,组织必须要打破创新和排名、奖励、地位之间的联系,并把注意力集中在真正的可持续创新上。



Public Management and Authentic Innovation

H. George Frederickson

  [Abstract]The innovations in companies or public organizations can be accomplished through organizational top-down design and plan according to the managed innovation model. But some research found that important innovations in companies are often related with the core value beyond making money and the inner environment which encourages trial and tolerates failure. And innovations in public organizations are the results of democratic management. The managed innovation and the sustainable innovation are two different kinds of innovation model. The managed innovation emphasize the traditional strategy planning, imitation, target clarification, control and leadership through a top-down way. The sustainable innovation emphasize doing, experimenting and leadership which is highly decentralized, democratic and communicative. The managed innovation used strategy planning, ranking, award and report cards to stir innovation. But these ways reduced the innovation and caused the iron-cage of organizational isomorphism. Therefore institution must break the connection between innovation and ranking, award and status, and focus on the sustainable innovation.

  [Keywords]public administration, managed innovation, sustainable innovation

  [Author]H. George Frederickson is Distinguished Professor at the University of Kansas,U.S.A.

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